Inspection staff enforce the City's various property By-Laws. Our staff investigate things such as:
If we find a violation, property owners receive a notice to upgrade. Failure to comply may result in legal action. We may also hire a contractor to do the work, at the owner's expense.
We review and prioritize all complaints. Those of a life safety nature get high priority and we act on them immediately. To make a complaint, contact Access St. John's at 311 or 709-576-CITY (2489).
The City has the authority to issue tickets for violations of various by-laws and regulations. The fine is set by provincial law at $100 per violation. So, if a person is found to be in violation of several sections of the same by-law, they can get a separate ticket for each violation.
We cannot cancel a ticket once issued and served.
The property owner must complete the bottom section of the ticket and submit it to Provincial Court in the required time frame. If you don't contest the ticket in the time specified, the Court assumes you pled guilty and you are convicted. You have to pay the fines as ordered. If you contest the ticket, the Court will set up a trial date and notify you.
Failure to pay fines will result in the unpaid fines becoming a tax lien against the property where the violation(s) occurred.
Tickets may be issued for violations of the following By-Laws and Regulations:
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