The following is a recap of the City of St. John's Regular Council Meeting on October 29, 2024, which provides an overview of Council decisions. You can also view all related documents for the decisions below, video and the full agenda from the meeting by clicking the link below.
On June 11, 2024, Council reviewed an application put forward by staff for a text and map amendment to the Envision St. John’s Development Regulations related to the 2023 Wetland Phase 2A Study, which aimed to assess, classify and rank wetlands in areas facing development pressure. In response to concerns raised during public consultation for the amendment, Council referred the Wetland Study Phase 2A to the Environment and Sustainability Experts Panel (ESEP).
At the October 29 meeting, Council reviewed recommendations from the ESEP and revisited the application for the text and map amendment. They approved the protection of Lundrigan’s Marsh and wetlands with a weighted Wetland Ecosystem Services Protocol (WESP) score of 5 or higher, and those with an individual grouped function score of 8.5 or higher. As a result, council also adopted the text and map amendment to the Development Regulations.
The result of this change is that 27 out of 68 wetlands reviewed will be protected, with 36 more receiving partial or full protection due to location in floodplains and buffers. Only five wetlands are left unprotected, with only one likely to be subject to development. Further details can be reviewed in the decision note and meeting documents.
The amendment will now be sent to the Department of Municipal and Provincial Affairs for final registration.
Decision: Approved 7-1 (Councillor Davis voted against, Deputy Mayor O'Leary did not vote due to a conflict of interest)
Council has approved moving the civic holiday usually held the first Wednesday in August to July 30, 2025, to align with the 2025 Royal St. John’s Regatta which was rescheduled to accommodate the 2025 Canada Games. This change will free up Quidi Vidi Lake for Canada Games athletes, who require the lake for training and competitions in canoeing and kayaking from August 8 to 25, 2025.
Decision: Approved Unanimously
Development applications are formal requests submitted to the City of St. John's by individuals, businesses, or developers seeking approval for projects that involve land use, building construction, or changes to property. These applications require council approvals and ensure that proposed developments comply with the City’s Envision St. John’s Development Regulations.
The following development applications were reviewed at the October 29 meeting:
Accessory Building in the Floodplain Buffer: 61 Seaborn Street |
An application was submitted to construct a 7.4m² Accessory Building, which is partially within the Floodplain Buffer. Under Section 4.10(4)(a) of the Envision St. John’s Development Regulations, Council has the authority to approve such developments.
Decision: Approved Unanimously |
Crown Land Grant: Trans Canada Highway |
The Provincial Department of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture has referred an application for a Crown Land Grant off the Trans-Canada Highway in the area of Torbayman’s Pond. The land is approximately 0.59 hectares and is zoned Mineral Working. The area is proposed to be used for stockpiled materials for Eastern Ready Mix.
Decision: Approved Unanimously |
Crown Land Grant: 1030 Main Road |
The Provincial Department of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture has referred an application for a Crown Land Grant at 1030 Main Road. The land is approximately 2074m² and is zoned Rural Residential Infill with a small area to the rear of the property within the Rural Zone. The proposed area meets the required minimum Lot Area for the Rural Residential Zone.
Decision: Approved Unanimously |
Crown Land Referral: Incinerator Road |
The Provincial Department of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture has referred an application for a Crown Land License to occupy land in the area of Incinerator Road. The area of land is 1.07 hectares and will be used for access to a future quarry development area. An existing ATV Trail that transects the quarry will be relocated as part of this proposal. A development application would be required if the Crown Land is issued by the Province.
Decision: Approved Unanimously |
Request for Parking Relief: 31 Wicklow Street |
An application was submitted to add a Subsidiary Dwelling Unit for 31 Wicklow Street under the Housing Accelerator Fund Grant. The existing Single Detached Dwelling has one parking space, but an additional space is needed for the new unit, prompting a request for parking relief. The rationale includes property grade limitations and proximity to major bus routes, walking trails and bicycle paths.
Decision: Approved Unanimously |
Request for Parking Relief: 57 Stamp's Lane |
An application has been submitted to add a second Subsidiary Dwelling Unit to the existing Single Detached Dwelling at 57 Stamp’s Lane, increasing to a total of three units. As per the Envision Development Regulations, one parking space is required per unit. There is currently adequate parking for the two existing units, so relief for one additional parking space is requested, citing the property’s location on a bus route.
Decision: Approved Unanimously |
Accessory Building in Floodplain Buffer: 560 Back Line |
An application was submitted to construct a 70.81m² Accessory Building at 560 Back Line, a portion of which will be located within a Floodplain Buffer. Under Section 4.10(4)(a) of the Envision St. John’s Development Regulations, Council has the authority to approve such developments.
Decision: Approved Unanimously |
Zone Standards and Parking Relief: 51-53 Harvey Road |
Decision: Approved Unanimously the proposed zone standards and parking relief. |
Zone Standards for Proposed Kennel Use: 120 East White Hills Road |
An application was submitted by the SPCA to develop a new building at 120 East White Hills Road as a Kennel Use, which was approved by Council in February 2024 as a Discretionary Use. As per the Envision Development Regulations, Zone Standards for the development are at the discretion of Council, with the exception of lot area and lot frontage.
The proposed zone standards for the Kennel Use are:
Decision: Approved Unanimously |
Council approved the insurance renewal premium for 2024-25, which has increased to $2,828,980, up from $2,635,340.60, due to market rate increases, a 2% CPI adjustment on asset values, and a property asset review. The City’s insurance policies, to cover various municipal entities like the St. John’s Regional Fire Department, St. John's Transportation Commission and St. John's Sports & Entertainment Ltd.
Decision: Approved Unanimously
Council approved the appointment of Megan Pottle, Coordinator of Residential and Indigiqueer Inclusion with First Light, to the Building Safer Communities Steering Committee.
Council approved road closures put forward by the Special Events Regulatory Committee for the following events:
Council was provided with a list of Development Permits and Building Permits issued since the last council meeting for their information.
Council approved the weekly payment vouchers for the period of October 10 to October 23.
The below proclamation took place at the meeting. All proclamations are also shared on our website.
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