The following is a recap of the City of St. John's Regular Council Meeting on October 15, 2024, which provides an overview of Council decisions. You can also view all related documents for the decisions below, video and the full agenda from the meeting by clicking the link below.
Council approved 23 applications for the 2024 Heritage Financial Incentives Program, with a total of $10,000 in grants for heritage maintenance and $50,000 in grants for conservation being provided. Due to the program's growing popularity and budget limitations, grants were slightly reduced to stay within the budget. Most applicants will receive close to the maximum grant amount. The Built Heritage Experts Panel recommended council approve all applications.
Council approved the Building Safer Communities Strategy, which supports crime prevention activities throughout the City. The strategy is a comprehensive plan aimed at addressing the root causes of violence and crime while promoting a safe, connected and healthy community for all residents. The strategy is made possible thanks to a three-year funding commitment from Public Safety Canada, announced in February 2023, to enhance community safety and collaboration.
Council ratified an e-poll that was approved between council meetings, granting a contractor permission to work outside the City’s noise bylaw hours between October 11 and October 31, 2024 from 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. intermittently. This work is anticipated to take place sporadically to complete work on the watermain and associated infrastructure required for the upgrade of the storm sewer on University Ave. Notifications will be provided to impacted businesses, institutions and residents. The public can also subscribe to receive updates from the City directly to their email at StJohns.Ca/Subscribe.
Council was asked to approve exterior renovations to Mount St. Francis Monastery at 4 Merrymeeting Road, a designated Heritage Building. The proposed renovations include replacing the metal roof with slate composite shingles and replacing all windows with aluminum casement windows, along with exterior door replacement and wall repairs. Heritage NL expressed no concerns, and the renovations meet the City's Heritage Design Standards.
Decision: Approved Unanimously
A planning application is a formal request to amend the Envision St. John's Municipal Plan and/or City’s Envision St. John’s Development Regulations. This would include applications to rezone or change the text in the Municipal Plan or Development Regulations. An amendment can be initiated by city staff, City Council, or a property owner.
Text amendments allow the City of St. John's to adapt its regulations to changing needs and circumstances, ensuring that the development process remains effective and responsive. All current applications can be viewed on the Planning St. John's webpage, which allows the public to learn more about planning applications, track progress, give feedback and ask questions and view upcoming public meetings all in one place.
The following planning applications were reviewed and approved at the October 15 meeting:
21 Merrymeeting Road |
Council were asked to adopt an ammendment to the Envision St. John's Development Regulations to add "Lodging House" as a discretionary use in the Commercial Office (CO) Zone. This would enable the conversion of office space at 21 Merrymeeting Road into six residential bedsitting rooms. Public feedback was mixed, with concerns about safety, litter, noise, and parking, while others supported the increase in affordable housing. To review feedback and staff responses, please read the decision note.
More information on the application can be found on the project page on Planning St. John's.
Decision: Approved Unanimously
242 Danny Drive & Area |
Council were asked to adopt an amendment to the Envision St. John’s Development Regulations to rezone several properties along Danny Drive from Industrial General (IG) to Industrial Commercial (IC). This rezoning, initially requested by Atlantic Trailer and Equipment Ltd. for 242 Danny Drive, has been expanded to include 215, 223 Danny Drive, and 250 Beaumont Hamel Way. Public consultation took place, with no submissions received. Council was also asked to approve a Retail Use (showroom) at 242 Danny Drive.
More information on the application can be found the Planning St. John's project page.
Decision: All recommendations were approved unanimously.
Danny Drive - Interpret Zone Lines |
Council was provided with an information note regarding zone lines in the Danny Drive area. The Open Space Reserve (OR) Zone slightly overlaps into three commercial properties—215 Danny Drive, 223 Danny Drive, and 250 Beaumont Hamel Way—near the Galway protected natural area (PNA). The OR Zone should align with the edge of the PNA, but currently crosses the property lines. This issue was identified during a rezoning review. According to the Envision St. John's regulations, zone boundaries can follow property lines, so staff propose interpreting the boundary to run along the property edges, aligning the OR Zone with the PNA.
No changes to the Municipal Plan map are required.
50 Bennett Ave |
Council were asked to approve amendments for a Cluster Development at 50 Bennett Avenue, rezoning the former I.J. Samson School site from Institutional (INST) to Apartment 1 (A1) to allow for a Four-Plex and three apartment buildings (50 units). A Municipal Plan amendment is also needed to change the designation from Institutional to Residential. The Commissioner’s report supports these changes, and staff agree. Council were also asked to approve a building line setback of 34.17 meters and a reduced buffer along the entryway due to the lot's narrow layout.
You can follow this application on the Planning St. John's webpage.
Decision: All recommendations were approved unanimously.
1-5 Petty Harbour Road |
Council was asked to consider rezoning 1-5 Petty Harbour Road from Residential to Commercial Neighbourhood (CN) to allow for the expansion of Brewskies Pub. The proposal includes adding a kitchen, restaurant area and reconfiguring the parking lot. The expansion requires a Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate the land and consolidate two properties. Council referred the application for public notification and a commissioner’s public hearing later in the process.
You can follow this application on the Planning St. John's webpage.
34 New Cove Road |
Council was asked to consider a text amendment to the Envision St. John’s Development Regulations regarding building stepbacks for a proposed 10-storey apartment at 34 New Cove Road. The developer requested to remove the stepback requirement, arguing minimal impact on neighboring properties and construction cost concerns. Stepbacks help reduce visual, privacy, and weather impacts on adjacent properties. Staff recommend maintaining the stepback requirement, however Council passed a motion to consider an amendment to the requirement and collect public input as part of the consultation process being carried out for the rezoning of the property.
You can follow this project on the Planning St. John's webpage.
Development applications are formal requests submitted to the City of St. John's by individuals, businesses, or developers seeking approval for projects that involve land use, building construction, or changes to property. These applications require council approvals and ensure that proposed developments comply with the City’s Envision St. John’s Development Regulations.
The following development applications were reviewed at the October 15 meeting:
Subsidiary Dwelling Unit in a Non-Conforming Dwelling: 292A Main Road |
Council reviewed an application to add a Subsidiary Dwelling Unit to the existing Single Detached Dwelling at 292A Main Road. The use is currently non-conforming as the property is located within the Open Space (O) Zone and the lot does not have frontage on a public street. There will be no change to the existing dwelling footprint, only reconfiguration of the interior space, which will not make the dwelling more non-conforming.
Decision: Approved Unanimously
Crown Land Grant – 905 Fowlers Road |
The Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture has referred an application for a Crown Land Grant to an existing title at 905 Fowlers Road. The land is approximately 300m2 and is zoned Forestry (F). The application is for a slipway and wharf for an airplane hangar. The proposed uses are not permitted or discretionary within the Forestry (F) Zone and there is also no access or frontage on a public street.
Decision: Unanimously rejected the application, in line with the staff recommendation.
Discretionary Use: 286 Torbay Road |
A Discretionary Use Application was submitted for 286 Torbay Road by Port Rexton Brewing Company for a lounge. The lounge will have a floor area of approximately 15 m². Hours of operation will be Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Noon to 10 p.m. Parking is provided on-site. The application was shared for public comment with no concerns reported.
Decision: Approved Unanimously |
Discretionary Use: 67-73 Main Road |
A Discretionary Use Application was submitted for 67-73 Main Road for a Family Child Care Service, which will be owner operated and accommodate up to seven children. The floor area will be approximately 58m2 and will operate Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. On-site parking is provided. The application was shared for public comment and no comments were received.
Decision: Approved Unanimously
Councillor Ravencroft brought forward a petition on behalf of the residents of Quidi Vidi Village against the removal of a slipway in the area. Rather, residents are calling on the City of St. John's to repair or replace the current structure. The petition has over 800 signatures.
The current slipway has reached the end of its lifecycle and is no longer safe to use. As such, the City of St. John's collected feedback from residents, property owners and visitors on how they currently use the area and potential options to maintain access to the water. A What We Heard Report was released in August, which outlined a strong desire to retain a wooden slipway in the area. Based on feedback, staff will make recommendations to Council as part of the 2024 budget process.
The St. John’s Transportation Commission will have two vacant public member positions on the Commission by the end of December 2024. Council approved a one-year term extension for Commissioner Tolulope Akerele, while a call for members has been issued for the other position.
Council approved travel costs for Deputy Mayor Sheilagh O’Leary to attend the Board of Directors Meeting and Advocacy Days for the Federation of Canadian Municipalities in Ottawa, from December 3 to 5, 2024.
Council was provided with a list of Development and Building Permits issued during the September 29 to October 9 period for their information.
Council approved the weekly payment vouchers for the period of September 26 to October 9.
A list of contracts awarded from August 28 to October 9 was shared for Council’s information.
The below proclamations took place at the meeting. All proclamations are also shared on our website.
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