The City of St. John’s reminds residents that the correct placement of curbside waste helps keep our community clean and accessible for everyone. Waste carts, bins and bags must be placed at the curb:
Improper placement can result in waste not being collected.
Waste bags or carts put out early or on the sidewalk impedes accessibility and during winter interferes with sidewalk and road snow clearing.
Place waste carts, bins or bags according to the type of street:
If there is on-street parking in front of your house, place your cart with the wheels touching the curb and the arrows on the lid pointing to the street.
If there is no on-street parking or a bike lane in front of your house, place your cart at the end of your driveway with the arrows on the lid pointing to the street.
If you have a gravel shoulder, place your cart just off the road at the shoulder at the end of your driveway with the arrows on the lid pointing to the street.
Subscribe to waste collection reminders and alerts so that if waste collection is postponed or cancelled, notification is sent before collection begins. Sign up at through the free app Curbit St. John’s or by calling Access St. John’s at 311 or 709-754-CITY (2489).
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