On June 25, St. John’s City Council approved a text amendment to the Envision St. John’s Development Regulations that will enable a greater variety of housing types in residential zones. The text amendment will support the City's action plan to stimulate housing growth, which is supported by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF).
Consultation for the text amendment took place during May. Feedback was received via email, through the Planning St. John’s webpage and through two public meetings. The comment period resulted in an abundance of feedback that was considered by council prior to making its decision. To see a summary of feedback received, read the decision note presented to council on June 25. You can also view commentary regarding the decision by viewing the video of the Council Meeting.
The new text amendment includes the following changes to the City’s development regulations:
The new amendment will be sent to the Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Municipal and Provincial Affairs for registration. Once registered and gazetted, these changes will come into effect.
The City will receive over $10.4 million in federal funding over the next three years to implement its action plan.
Updates to the development regulations is an important component in realizing the City’s HAF Action Plan. Once these changes are registered, the City will be in a better position to implement other elements of its plan, such as incentive and grant programs which are in the process of being developed and will be implemented within the next year.
During consultations for the text amendment, questions were raised about the amount of affordable housing that will be produced as part of this funding. It’s important to understand that the HAF funding focuses on creating conditions that encourage development by businesses or not-for-profit associations. The Housing Accelerator Fund focuses on increasing the supply of “missing middle” housing. These are things like multiunit purpose-built rentals, row housing, and secondary units – forms of housing that are generally smaller, suitable for density, can be more affordable, and represent a gap in our housing stock across the country with the emphasis on single detached development over the past number of decades. While increasing general supply would bring down housing prices and rent across the board, we do need to make sure we are supporting the development of affordable and non-market housing as well. A number of our initiatives, such as plans for City-owned land disposition to community-led projects and work towards legislative changes to allow tax exemptions to mixed-income developments are intended to support the development of affordable supply.
The City will continue to keep you informed as we launch other aspects of our HAF plan. For more information about our action plan, visit our Housing Accelerator Fund webpage.
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