A Discretionary Use application has been submitted by Betsam International Inc. for 5 Lunenburg Street.
The proposed application is a Home Occupation for retail sales of grocery items. The floor area will be approximately 45 m² and hours of operation will be Monday to Saturday, 12 p.m. – 7 p.m. Orders will be placed online or by phone and picked up during operating hours or delivered to customers by the business operator. There will be no on-site sales. Off-street parking is available.
9:30 a.m. Tuesday, April 8, 2025.
Provide your comments to the Office of the City Clerk including your name and address to cityclerk@stjohns.ca or P.O. Box 908, St. John’s NL A1C 5M2.
Comments received become a matter of public record and are included in the Council agenda for the date a decision on the application will be made. Any identifying information (including your name) will be removed prior to your comment being released publicly. If you are writing on behalf of a group, organization, business, etc. and wish to remain anonymous, you must indicate as such with your submission.
Collection of personal information is authorized under the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015 and is needed to consider your comments on this application. Questions about the collection and use of your information may be directed to the City Clerk at 709-576-8202 or cityclerk@stjohns.ca.
April 22, 2025.
Notices are sent to property owners within 150 metres of the application site. For more information call 709-576-6192 or email planning@stjohns.ca.
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