In 2018, the City of St. John's set out to build a new strategic plan, one that would transition us as we see changes in our demographics and economy.
Maintaining affordability for residents is a major priority for Council given our current environment. As a Council, we aspire for the City to be place where people want to live and work and where everyone feels they belong. We want people to choose St. John's as a place to live and do business.
We want them to love St. John's and feel connected to this place and the people who live here.
Our City, Our Future has this vision. It builds on our successes and keeps us focused on our longer-term directions for a sustainable city; a city that moves; A connected city; and an effective city.
Working with staff and using input from our residents and stakeholders, Council has identified the goals we want to focus on for the next three years. These are ambitious goals that hold us accountable and ensure the strategic activities we put our efforts into are also important to you. As well, we want to build a City organization where our policies and processes drive high performance and where our continuous improvement efforts make things better every day.
To realize our vision and achieve our goals we must work closely with our partners, our staff, and our residents.
Together we can build a city that is sustainable today and into the future.
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